Episode Description

Meet Andy Goodwin from our Dunedin chapter. Andy was born and raised in Clearwater, Florida. Prior to real estate, Andy played professional golf for 11 years. He loves Jesus, whiskey, golf, boating, serving the SLR family, spending time at his family farm in Kentucky, and hanging out with his family.

Suncoast NPI Sessions is a podcast series for entrepreneurs who are looking to start and grow their businesses. Featuring interviews with Suncoast NPI members who are local, Tampa Bay area entrepreneurs, this show is packed with helpful tips and insights that you can use to grow your business. So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in business for years, this podcast has something for everyone. Tune in today and meet successful entrepreneurs who may even give you some insight into your future plans, too!

As the premier business referral and professional networking organization in Tampa Bay, Suncoast NPI is a locally-owned, world-class and seat-specific group. Our mission is to build unbreakable professional relationships that create growth and drive revenue for our members’ businesses through incredible networking referrals.

With more than 30 years of experience in business and referral networking, we specifically look for the member, not the membership check. Each chapter has one person per profession so each member may benefit the most from their membership. Rock stars in their own business category, our members are looking to grow their business and revenue, just like you!

If you’re a local professional who wants to expand your “sales team” and grow your business through relationship marketing, our INVITATION for you is to come and experience first-hand our business networking referral family! Learn more https://suncoastnpi.com/.

We believe in enriching the lives of both Agents and customers, and making a positive impact. That’s what sets SLR apart from other Brokers. We love what we do & we love to serve others. Above all, we take an honest and upfront approach with everyone we encounter. That’s why people feel right at home working with us—and for us. To learn more about partnering with SLR, drop us a note today to schedule a consultation with one of our licensed specialists.